International Revolutionary Youth Camp

Program of Athens’ Meeting

19-21 October, Patision Complex: ’’Polytexneio’’ – NTUA, Athens, Greece
Sunday 16 September 2007 by Antoine

A] Open discussion, FRIDAY 19 OCTOBER, at 19:00:

Introducing/presentation of the different participations - short presentation of the different + recently movements

B] a) 4 seminars of the meeting, SATURDAY 20 OCTOBER, at 10:00:

(1) The history of the different educational counter-reforms

(2) Different forms of organization in the student movement, ways of national
and European coordination

(3) Discussion for our alternative of education

(4) Technical seminar

b) Open discussion, SATURDAY 20 OCTOBER, at 19:00:

Discussion for a European strategy for the students – the launch of a European campaign against Bologna Process, November 2007

C] Finally assembly of the meeting, SUNDAY 21 OCTOBER, 10:00:
Balance of the meeting, presentation and discussion of Athens’s Declaration

Address of the meeting:

National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Patision Complex: ’’Polytexneio’’,

28 Oktovriou (Patision) 42, 10682 Athens, Greece

Questionnaire about the application of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) to the different states members.


1- It is allowed the initiative in the Higher Education (which regime can follow the education and what is the law that stipulates it)?

2.- What is the law that regulates your Higher Education? In general terms, which modifications have you done for carrying out the adaptation of AHEA?

3.- Which other additional regulations or decrees have been approved to put the EHEA into practice? (a brief explication of each one)

University bachelors and their structure

4.- It is the structure of Degrees and Master Degrees active? If it is, which structure have you got before? And, How long are or will be the new bachelors?

5.- What is the professional qualification or ability that the different degrees give to you? Which is the function of the Master Degrees in the new system? Are there university courses that have to do a Master Degree for work?

6.- Which measures have done to restrict the university students to do a Master Degree? Which policies are using to guarantee the equal opportunities of access?

7.- Are there a close catalogue of bachelors or have the universities the chance to propose certificates?

8.- How it has been knowledge’s selection in connection with the contents of university degrees and the own offer of bachelors?


9.- Which funding have your university system?

10.- Which are the parameters that leave you open to make sure that the universities accept or force it to take private capital?

Help for study

11.- Which kind of helps have the students to go on with their studies into the university? Which amount of money?

12.- How work Erasmus grants? (Which are the criteria followed to give them and which is the economic amount that we are talking)

13.- If there are loan schemes, how it works? There were it before the EHEA?

Sobre les taxes

14.- How have to pay the student to access to the university Degree or Master Degree? And before of EHEA? (to compare it)

15.- Is there any framework of the law to regulate them? Is there any institutional organization responsible to propose it?

Student Participation

16.- Existeix un Consell d’Estudiants Estatal o Territorial que institucionalitze i legitime la representació estudiantil? Quina funció té en general i en particular respecte a l’aplicació de l’EEES? Forma part de l’ESIB? Qui el controla?

16.- Do exist a Council of State Student or Territorial Students that institutionalize and secures the their representation? Which is

17.- Quina quota de representativitat i poder tenen els estudiants a la Universitat? Com es gestiona la seua participació? Quin paper juguen dins el possible debat respecte a la reforma i la seua aplicació?

University govern

18.- Who is the person or collective that have the power in the University? How choose him, her or them?

19.- Is the company legitimized in any government organization of the university, above all, with his presence?

The new methodologies and the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

20.- Estan en marxa els nous crèdits? Quin és el seu còmput d’hores? Hi ha mecanismes que ajuden a compaginar treball i estudis? Quins?


21.- Totes les assignatures i titulacions funcionen amb la nova metodologia, o encara es funciona en programes pilot? Quin tipus de metodologies s’intenten portar a terme? Són diferents a les que ja existien?

22.- Quina ha estat o és la inversió del govern per tal d’arribar als nous paràmetres d’aprenentatge? Quantes persones hi ha en un aula o en relació a un professor o professora?

The University and the company

23.- Which is the institutional organism (department, ministry...) where is the higher education or the university? Which is the relation with the other organisms that embrace the company or the industry?

24.- Which mechanisms or programs have been set off by the government to help relationship between the company and the university?

The Diploma Supplement (DS)

25.- Is it in circulation? How many have you to pay for it?

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