International Revolutionary Youth Camp

The swedish delegation

Friday 15 August 2008 by Antoine

Tthis year the swedish delegation contains only four people. This has been a disapointment for us as an organization, but the people in the delegation are very happy to be here. The long and expensive travel has been the biggest problem in the mobilisation.

The delegation contains (biologically) three women and one man.
As you all have probably noticed, we are very much into ecosocialism. Therefore we have been known as the hungry vegetarians on the camp.
Ecosocialism is something we work with everyday at home. We are active in an ecosocialist group that works with direct action against the fossil capitalism. We stop the traffic in the streets and plains on the airport.
Our party also takes part in building a broad climate organization, which goes by the name Klimataktion.

Three of the persons in our delegation are members in the Swedish section of the fourth international.

The party is called Socialistiska Partiet (The Socialist Party), and the youth group is called Ungsocialisterna (The Young Socialists).

We have about 300 people members, and we are spread all over the country. In some small towns we got some seats in the local parliament.
We are also represented in the trade unions leadership in three of the biggest car factories in Sweden.

During the last two years, we have been struggeling against the politics of the right-wing alliance, since they won the election in 2006. We have been fighting their attacs on workers, trade unions, immigrants, women, youth and so on.

Their agenda is very clear - they want to destroy what is left of the welfare system as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, the left have not been able to work together against these attacs. We in the the Socialist Part work for bulding a massmovement against these attacs and for a regroupment of the different left parties.
In the near future we work with the mobilisation for the European Social Forum that will take place in Malmo, a city that is situated in the south of Sweden, in september.

In november we have our congress, and next year we will mobilise for the climate congress in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The last year we have recruted several new people in the youth group, and we hope that our delegation will have grown with at least 1500% for the next camp!

We hope to see you all in Malmo in the European Social Forum!

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