International Revolutionary Youth Camp


National Meeting of EAAK, Athens, Greece, 1-2 November 2008
Tuesday 11 November 2008 by Antoine

During the last weeks Italy is shaken by a huge movement in education against the reactionary law 133 and the Gelmini decree, measures through which Berlusconi’s government attacks to public education, it makes schools’ and universities’ administration more authoritarian, it constricts students’ freedoms, it strengthens ideological control according to the model of technocrats and it extends precarious labour relations. The movement in Italy refuses the debate with the government, as well as any compromise, and it is determined to go on, along with the working people, to the final victory.

The Italian government’s policy does not consist a special case; it aims exactly at the direction which is defined by all European Union’s declarations (Bologna, Prague, Berlin, Bergen, Lisbon etc) and the goals of the European Higher Education Area. Neither the Italian student’s movement is the only one in Europe; movements based on similar claims and features have been developed in a series of countries. Among these student’s movements stands the Greek one, which has struggled and goes on struggling against the reactionary educational reformation, having achieved important victories.

The collectives of the United Independent Left Movement (EAAK), which have played the lead in all outbursts of the Greek student’s movement, declare their internationalist solidarity and complete support to the assemblies, occupations and mass demonstrations in Italy, to the Italian student’s struggle against the repression by the police and the attacks by fascists, to their fight against the reign of terror released by the state and against compromise.

Your struggle is our struggle! Common struggle of all European students against the Bologna process and the European Higher Education Area!

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